Hii BEAUTIFUL WOMBËN... Are you ready to MANIFËST?

This month we gather in honor of our lovely social butterfly; The Gemini <3

Since Gemini is also associated with change and adaptation, this moon will gift us the energy of allowing and embracing change in our lifes.

It's a time to release old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve us, and welcome ALL THE MAGNETIC opportunities for growth and evolution.

Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury (the planet we know to well to govern communication) we will be harnessing in: the power of breath, the power of mantras, the power of allowing to exist exactly as we are WITH OUR WORDS.

In Gemini, we encounter the archetype of the Twins, symbolizing the dual nature of existence and the endless possibilities for balance and integration.

Like the Twins, we each contain a multitude of DIMENSIONS within us—light and shadow, intellect and intuition, action and reflection. Through embracing the duality within ourselves, we can navigate life's complexities with grace and wisdom.

As a good WOMBËN collective that we are, we'll cultivate a space of openness, curiosity, and growth, allowing the energy of the Twins to guide us towards expansive understanding and a sense of deep integration.

YOU READY?... hehe.

Each circle will look a little different and here is a little of what you can expect:
+ Breath-work
+ Kundalini Yoga
+ Sound Healing & Meditations
+ Tea Ceremony
+ Cacao Ceremony
+ Mantra Singing
+ Reiki Circles

+ Fri. June 7th @6:45pm
+ Estefania's Apartment (address disclosed on ticket)
+ $44 (only 10 spots available)
What to bring for this one:
+ Journal
+ Meditation Cushion
+ Blanket
+ Snacks (optional)

Thank you for trusting me, thank you for honoring yourselves and honoring this group. You are doing the most amazing service to this earth by doing the work, trust that.

Always and forever only love,
Estefanía (I mean all I want is to align with you, duh?)